EDUC 630: Lesson Plans (1-4)

EDUC 630 Lesson Plan 1

Teacher: Mrs. K. Pearson

Lesson Title: Are They Famous or What!

Grade Level:

· Kindergarten (with assistance)

· First Grade (with assistance)

· Second Grade (Independently)

· Third Grade (Independently)

· Fourth Grade (Independently)

· Fifth Grade (Independently)

Technology Integration: Microsoft PowerPoint

Content Area:

· Social Studies/History

· Language Arts


In this activity students will create 6 question slides and 6 answer slides using PowerPoint. Then they will print the slides 6 per page. Students will cut around the question slides (page 1) on 3 sides and then glue page one on top of page 2. Viewers lift the question to see the answer.

Materials Needed: Computer with Microsoft PowerPoint, Scissors, Glue

Lesson: Prior to beginning the lesson the students should choose a famous person and research 5 facts about that person using books, the Internet, or other resources. Have the students begin by opening up Microsoft PowerPoint. They should then follow these steps:

Creating the Fact Flipper:

1. Open a blank PowerPoint presentation

2. Use the instructions below to add text and images to the 12 slides.

a. Slide 1 (Add a title and the instructions)

b. Slides 2-6 (Enter a question on each of the slides)

c. Slide 7 (Enter your name, homeroom teacher, and date)

d. Slides 8-12 (Enter the answers to the questions from slides (2-6)

3. Click on the Office Button ---> SAVE

4. Print as a handout 6 slides per page (Page 1 will contain your title and questions: Page 2 will contain your name and answers)

5. On Page 1, cut around both sides and the bottom of each slide to create a “flap”.

6. Put glue on the back of page 1---do not put glue on the “flaps.”

7. Place page 1 on top of page 2 so that the slides are directly on top of each other.

For Lesson Assistance:

Adding Text

1. Click to select the textbox tool

2. Click and drag to create a text box on the slide

3. Type your text

4. Change fonts and sizes if you want

Adding Word Art

1. Click on INSERT and select the WORDART button

2. Choose a word art style

3. Type your words; click OK.

4. Click and drag the center of the word art to move it.

5. Click and drag a “handle point” of the word to resize it (may need to review what a“handle point” is)

Adding Images

1. Click on the INSERT ---> CLIPART

2. Choose an image from the provided Clip Art gallery (Note: You may also use to search bar to locate a picture)

Standards: According to the National (ISTE) Standards the student will:

· Use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences.

· Use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity.

Goals: To infusion technology integration while showing students how to create Flip Fact Charts for student learning.

Class Diversity and Make Up: Fourth Grade Class

· 20 students (13 boys, 7 girls with 14 African American students and 6 Caucasian students.) Coming from different social backgrounds the socio-economic status of the students range. 15 out of 20 of the students do not have at home computers or internet access.

Risk Analysis: The majority of the risk will come from the limited prerequisite skills in technology and computer software knowledge because of the limitations found in not having at home resources (computers, iPods, iPads, and internet connectivity).


Teacher:Mrs. K. Pearson

Lesson Title: Story Map Mobiles

Grade Level:

·Kindergarten (with assistance)

·First Grade (with assistance)

·Second Grade (Independently)

·Third Grade (Independently)

·Fourth Grade (Independently)

·Fifth Grade (Independently)

Technology Integration: Kidspiration or Inspiration


In this activity students will create a story map using Inspiration or Kidspiration shapes. They will print, cut around the shapes, and hang them from string or thread to create a mobile.

Materials Needed: Computer with Inspiration or Kidspiration software, Glue, String/Thread, and Scissors.

Lesson:Prior to beginning the lesson the students should choose a character from the story they’ve read.

Creating the Character Map:

1.Choose a character from a story you’ve read or heard.

2.Complete the following:

a.A character ___________________ wanted to _________________, but _____________ so _________________.

3.Open an Inspiration or Kidspiration document.
4. SAVE!

5.Print 2 copies

6.Cut around each of the shapes. ( You will have two of each)

Assembling the Mobile:

1.Cut 4 pieces of string (thread) 6-8 inches long.

2.Apply glue to the back of one “title” shape.

3.Place the ends of the 4 pieces of string on the “title” shape as shown at the right.

4.Loop the 5thpiece of string at the top. (You can use this to hang the mobile.)

5.Place the second “title” shape on top so that the titles are showing on both sides.

6.Place glue on the backs of the oval shapes and “sandwich” the center of the threads.

7.Place glue on the backs of the rounded rectangle shapes and “ sandwich” the bottom threads.

Standards: According to the National (ISTE) Standards:

·Students are proficient in the use of technology.

·Students use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity.

Goals:To infusion technology integration while showing students how to Story Mobiles for student learning.

Class Diversity and Make Up: Third Grade Class

·14 students (7 boys, 7 boys with 9 African American students and 5 Caucasian students.) Coming from different social backgrounds the socio-economic status of the students range. 9 of the students do not have at home computers or internet access.

Risk Analysis: The majority of the risk will come from the limited prerequisite skills in technology and computer software knowledge because of the limitations found in not having at home resources (computers, iPods, iPads, and internet connectivity).



Teacher:Mrs. K. Pearson

Lesson Title: The Jamestown Experience

Grade Level:

·Fourth Grade (Independently)

·Fifth Grade (Independently)

Technology Integration: Microsoft Word

Content Area:

·Social Studies/History

· Language Arts

Standards:Jamestown and Life in Colonial Virginia VS. 3 (A-E)

Objectives: The student will demonstrate knowledge of the first permanent English settlement in America by:

a)Explaining the reasons for English colonization;

b)Describing how geography influenced the decision to settle at Jamestown;

c)Identifying the importance of the charters of the Virginia Company of London in establishing the Jamestown settlement;

d)Identifying the importance of the General Assembly (1619) as the first representative legislative body in English America;

e)Identifying the importance of the arrival of Africans and English women to the Jamestown settlement;

f)Describing the hardships faced by settlers at Jamestown and the changes that took place to ensure survival;

g)Describing the interactions between the English settlers and the native peoples, including the contributions of Powhatan to the survival of the settlers.

Materials Needed:

·Computer with Internet Access


·Flashcards (for reference)

·Notebook with Paper

·Microsoft Word

Lesson: (include websites used, URLs, and how you will instruct, integrating the QAIT Model and technology)

A. The teacher will activate prior knowledge by having a class discussion on what the students saw and remembered from visiting Jamestown on an annual Third Grade Field Trip. This will allow the teacher to use the QAIT Method and identify the appropriate levels of instruction.

A.The teacher will direct the students to the website which is home to the activity. Students will access: there they will choose the activity; The Jamestown Online Adventure.The teacher will inform the student that in this WebQuest, the student is going to pretend to be the Captain of the Jamestown Colony.

B.The students will also have a follow up lesson using Microsoft Word to create a brochure.

Developmental Activities:

(1)Guided Practice: The Jamestown Online Adventure

(a)You will have a copy of the London Company's Instructions to help guide you. Also, you can ask your fellow colonists (classmates and online colonists) and the Native Americans for advice.

(2)Scoring: After you make all your decisions, you will receive a report on the state of your colony based on these factors:

(a)Food: How well can you provide it for your colonists?

(b)Health: Can you keep your colonists from dying due to disease, starvation, and attacks?

(c)Wealth: Can you make yourself and your sponsors at the London Company rich from the discovery of gold and silver?

(d)Morale: Can you keep yourself in power by keeping everyone happy

(3)Independent Practice: You will get to compare your colony to the historical Jamestown at the end. By examining the "Now we know..." section, you can learn from the mistakes of history.

Evaluation:The students will receive a Jamestown Study Guide to use for future reference and a Jamestown assessment worksheet.As an incentive, the students that score at least an 80% on the worksheet will receive an additional 5 points on their“Brochure” grade. These students will also be placed in a drawing for prizes (school supplies, homework pass, ice cream coupon, and 5 min extra recess).

Standards:According to the National (ISTE) Standards the student will:

·Use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences.

·Use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity.

Goals: To infusion technology integration while showing students the historical background of the Jamestown Settlement.

Class Diversity and Make Up:Fourth Grade Class

·24 students (10 boys, 14 girls with 17 African American students and 7 Caucasian students.) Coming from different social backgrounds the socio-economic status of the students range. 9 out of 24 of the students do not have at home computers or internet access.

Risk Analysis: The majority of the risk will come from the limited prerequisite skills in technology and computer software knowledge because of the limitations found in not having at home resources (computers, iPods, iPads, and internet connectivity).


Teacher: Mrs. K. Pearson

Lesson Title: Seasonal Temperature Charting

Grade Level:

·       Third Grade

·       Fourth Grade

·       Fifth Grade


Technology Integration: Microsoft Excel

Content Area:

·       Math

·       Science (Weather Observations)



  • SOL. 3.11
    • The student will read temperature to the nearest degree from a Celsius thermometer and a Fahrenheit thermometer. Real thermometers and physical models of thermometers will be used.


  • SOL 4.1i

o   Data are collected, recorded, analyzed, and displayed using bar and basic line graphs; numerical


  • SOL 5.15
    • The student, given a problem situation, will collect, organize, and interpret data in a variety of forms, using stem-and-leaf plots and line graphs.



·       In this activity, students will use a spreadsheet created in Microsoft Excel to chart daily temperatures for a week.


Materials Needed:

·       Computer with Internet Access

·       Notebook with recorded data

·       Microsoft Excel


Lesson:   The teacher will help the students record the high temperatures each day for a week. The teacher will show how to enter the data in a spreadsheet as a whole group review. The teacher will demonstrate how to turn their data into a line graph. The teacher will demonstrate how to turn their data into a line graph.  


Student Instructions:

Entering the Data:

  1. Open a new Microsoft Excel spreadsheet document.
  2. Enter the labels “Day”, “High”, and “Low” in cells A1, B1, and C1.
  3. Enter the days of the week in column A.
  4. Enter the high and low temperatures in column B and C.

Creating the Chart:

  1. Click and drag to select all cells that have information in them. (DO NOT select any blank cells!)
  2. Pull down the Insert menu to Chart.
  3. Choose the line chart with markers.
  4. Click the Next button twice to get to Step 3.
  5. Enter the title, “Daily Temperatures”.
  6. Click Finish.
  7. SAVE!

Standards: According to National (ISTE) Standards:

  • Students use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources.
  • Students use technology tools to process data and report results.

Evaluation:  The students will use The Weather Channel- to complete the chart.

Goals: To infusion technology integration while showing students the connection between data collection, the weather, and technology inclusion.

Class Diversity and Make Up: 

  • Third Grade Class
    • 17 students (8 boys, 9 girls with 12 African American students and 5 Caucasian students.) Coming from different social backgrounds the socio-economic status of the students range. 11 out of 17 of the students do not have at home computers or internet access.

Risk Analysis: The majority of the risk will come from the limited prerequisite skills in technology and computer software knowledge because of the limitations found in not being exposed to Microsoft Excel.  


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