EDUC 629: Technology Implementation Plan

Envisioned County
Public Schools
Educational Technology Plan 2012-2017

Table of Contents

Vision, Mission, and Goals …………………………………………………………………………………..  3

Needs Assessment ………………………………………………………………………………………….…… 4

The Planning Process ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5

State Goals and Objectives with Local Strategies and Measures ……..…………………   5

Environment ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..  12

Engagement …………………………………………………………………………………………………….… 12

Application/ Tools…………….…………………….……………………………………..…………………….. 13

Results ……………………………………….....…………………………………………………………………..   13

Implementation:  Timetable and Budget for Goals, Objectives and Strategies …..   13

Executive Summary ………………………………………………...………………………………….………. 17

Vision, Mission, and Goals of Envisioned County Public Schools

 The mission of Envisioned County Public Schools is to provide an educational program and staff to help 21st century citizens achieve full development of their potential. Envisioned County Public Schools believes that students and teachers can use technology to create a dynamic learning environment which offers greater opportunities to achieve at higher levels. ECPS will provide meaningful learning experiences to students so that they will have the opportunity to develop the lifelong learning skills necessary to be productive citizens in our connected learning community.

Envisioned County Public Schools envisions a connected learning community in which technological tools are used to improve the quality of education for all students and the quality of life for all citizens. ECPS believes this connected learning community will produce an improved educational system with high learning standards, parents who frequently participate in the education of their children, and a business community that works in partnership with the schools to create opportunities for economic growth.

Goals & Strategies
I. Improve academic achievement for ALL students while closing achievement gaps.

II. Establish and maintain school climates and facilities that are safe, orderly, and supportive of effective teaching and learning.

III. Develop and implement procedures and programs that will infuse technology to assist in improving the physical and fiscal management, efficiency, effectiveness and accountability of the school division.

IV. Reduce the over-representation of minority and other at-risk students in Special Education.

V. Develop programs to promote the recruitment and retention of highly qualified teachers and other staff.

VI. Promote and encourage positive home, school, business and community relations that encourage student achievement.

              Needs Assessment            


· Envisioned County Public Schools is located in a rural part of Virginia. The total student population for the division is 1,972 students. There is a diverse group of faculty and staff ranging from doctoral educators to highly qualified educators.  This diversity also includes ranges in age, ethnicity, background and skills. The faculty and staff from across the division are engaged in the idea of providing meaningful educational experiences. ECPS provides several workshops, professional development, and conference opportunity for faculty growth. 


·The students here at Envisioned County Public Schools come from various socioeconomic backgrounds. Four out of five of the schools in ECPS currently qualify as Title 1 schools due to the low socio-economic status of the students. This presents a weakness in that the students have not been exposed to a variety of technology


·Envisioned County Public Schools is building upon the current technology used within the county to provide students with more opportunities to utilize these resources during their everyday learning experiences. The division has decided to update computer labs in all secondary schools to aid in online testing and technology based resources needed for student learning. At the elementary level, all classrooms (Pre-K, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and Exceptional Education) will receive SMARTBoards (Pre-K – 3) Promethean Boards (4-5) and HATCH Boards (Exceptional Education). These technology devices will be purchased through grant funding and E-Rate as applicable for both the Elementary and Secondary schools.

·Budgeting restrictions can also provide a problem depending on the allocation of funding per the School Board. Also, waiting for grant approval can be an issue along with (if approved) the waiting on whether the grants have been accepted, the funds can take several weeks to process. It is a possibility that there may be a delay in the purchase of some equipment while waiting on the arrival of those funds.
                       The Planning Process                     

State Goals and Objectives with Local Strategies and Measures 

Computer/Technology Standards of Learning (Computer Technology, 2005)

Grades K-2


Basic Operations and Concepts

C/T K-2.1       The student will demonstrate knowledge of the nature and operation of technology systems.

·         Identify the computer as a machine that helps people at school, work, and play.

·         Use technology to demonstrate the ability to perform a variety of tasks; among them turning on and off a computer, starting and closing programs, saving work, creating folders, using pull-down menus, closing windows, dragging objects, and responding to commands.


C/T K-2.2       The student will demonstrate proficiency in the use of technology.

·         Demonstrate the use of mouse, keyboard, printer, multimedia devices, and earphones.

·         Use multimedia resources such as interactive books and software with graphical interfaces.


Social and Ethical Issues

C/T K-2.3       The student will practice responsible use of technology systems, information, and software.

·         Know the school’s rules for using computers.

·         Understand the importance of protecting personal information or passwords.

·         Understand the basic principles of the ownership of ideas.


C/T K-2.4       The student will use technology responsibly.

·         Demonstrate respect for the rights of others while using computers.

·         Understand the responsible use of equipment and resources.


Technology Research Tools

C/T K-2.5       The student will use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources.

·         Identify information in various formats.

·         Identify available sources of information.


Problem-solving and Decision-making Tools

C/T K-2.6       The student will use technology resources for solving problems and making informed decisions.

·         Recognize that technology can be used to solve problems and make informed decisions.

·         Identify and select technologies to address problems.


Technology Communication Tools

C/T K-2.7       The student will use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences.

·         Identify the best tool to communicate information.

·         Use technology tools for individual writing, communication, and publishing activities.

·         Demonstrate the ability to create, save, retrieve, and print document. 



Computer/Technology Standards of Learning (Computer Technology, 2005)

Grades 3-5


Basic Operations and Concepts

C/T 3-5.1        The student will demonstrate knowledge of the nature and operation of technology systems.

·         Discuss common uses of computers in their daily life and the advantages and disadvantages those uses provide.

·         Communicate about basic technology components with appropriate terminology.


C/T 3-5.2        The student will demonstrate proficiency in the use of technology.

·         Use skills and procedures needed to operate various technologies such as scanners, digital cameras and hand-held computers.

·         Identify basic software applications such as word processing, databases, and spreadsheets.


Social and Ethical Issues

C/T 3-5.3        The student will demonstrate knowledge of ethical, cultural, and societal issues related to technology.

·         Identify how technology has changed society in areas such as communications, transportation, and the economy.

·         Discuss ethical behaviors when using information and technology.

C/T 3-5.4        The student will practice responsible use of technology systems, information, and software.

·         Understand the need for the school division’s acceptable use policy.

·         Discuss the rationale of fair use and copyright regulations.

·         Follow rules for personal safety when using the Internet.


C/T 3-5.5        The student will demonstrate knowledge of technologies that support collaboration, personal pursuits, and productivity.

·         Work collaboratively when using technology.

·         Practice and communicate respect for people, equipment, and resources.

·         Understand how technology expands opportunities for learning.


Technology Research Tools

C/T 3-5.6        The student will use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources.

·         Collect information from a variety of sources.

·         Evaluate the accuracy of electronic information sources.

·         Enter data into databases and spreadsheets.


Problem-solving and Decision-making Tools

C/T 3-5.7       The student will use technology resources for solving problems and making informed decisions.

·         Determine when technology tools are appropriate to solve a problem and make a decision.

·         Select resources to solve problems and make informed decisions.


Technology Communication Tools

C/T 3-5.8        The student will use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences.

·         Produce documents demonstrating the ability to edit, reformat, and integrate various software tools.

·         Use technology tools for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities.

·         Use telecommunication tools to communicate and share information with others.


 Computer/Technology Standards of Learning (Computer Technology, 2005)

Grades 6-8


Basic Operations and Concepts

C/T 6-8.1        The student will demonstrate knowledge of the nature and operation of technology systems.

·         Describe how technology impacts learning.

·         Explore how software and hardware are developed to respond to the changing needs of technology.

·         Describe compatibility issues, between various types of technology.


C/T6-8.2         The student will demonstrate proficiency in the use of technology.

·         Understand that hardware and software have different operating systems that may affect their use.

·         Use self-help features such as online tutorials and manuals to learn to use hardware and software.


Social and Ethical Issues

C/T 6-8.3        The student will demonstrate knowledge of ethical, cultural, and societal issues related to technology.

·         Demonstrate knowledge of current changes in information technologies.

·         Explain the need for laws and policies to govern technology.

·         Explore career opportunities in technology related careers.


C/T 6-8.4        The student will practice responsible use of technology systems, information, and software.

·         Demonstrate the correct use of fair use and copyright regulations.

·         Demonstrate compliance with the school division’s Acceptable Use Policy and other legal guidelines.


C/T 6-8.5        The student will demonstrate knowledge of technologies that support collaboration, personal pursuits, and productivity.

·         Work collaboratively and/or independently when using technology.

·         Practice preventative maintenance of equipment, resources, and facilities.

·         Explore the potential of the Internet as a means of personal learning and the respectful exchange of ideas and products.


Technology Research Tools

C/T 6-8.6        The student will use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources.

·         Use databases and spreadsheets to evaluate information.

·         Use technology resources such as calculators and data collection probes for gathering information.

·         Use Internet and other electronic resources to locate information in real time.


C/T 6-8.7        The student will evaluate and select new information resources and technological innovations based on the appropriateness for specific tasks.

·         Use search strategies to retrieve information.

·         Evaluate the accuracy, relevance, and appropriateness of electronic information sources.


Problem-solving and Decision-making Tools

C/T 6-8.8        The student will use technology resources for solving problems and making informed decisions.

·         Employ technology in the development of strategies for solving problems.

·         Use a variety of technologies to identify and provide possible solutions to real-world problems.

·         Use content-specific tools, software, and simulations such as environmental probes, graphic calculators, exploratory environments, and web tools.

·         Participate in collaborative problem-solving activities.

·         Select and use appropriate tools and technology resources to accomplish a variety of tasks.


Technology Communication Tools

C/T 6-8.9        The student will use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences.

·         Choose the appropriate tool, format, and style to communicate information.

·         Independently use technology tools to create and communicate for individual and/or collaborative projects.

·         Produce documents demonstrating the ability to edit, reformat, and integrate various software tools.


Computer/Technology Standards of Learning (Computer Technology, 2005)

Grades 9-12
Basic Operations and Concepts

C/T 9-12.1      The student will demonstrate knowledge of the nature and operation of technology systems.

·         Discuss the inherent advantages and limitations of technology.

·         Define the relationship between infrastructure, electronic resources, and connectivity.

·         Identify and describe the impact of new and emerging technologies and their applications.


C/T 9-12.2      The student will demonstrate proficiency in the use of technology.

·         Identify and resolve hardware and software compatibility issues. 

·         Develop and communicate strategies for solving routine hardware and software problems.


Social and Ethical Issues

C/T 9-12.3      The student will demonstrate knowledge of ethical, cultural, and societal issues related to technology.

·         Assess the potential of information and technology to address personal and workplace needs.

·         Demonstrate knowledge of electronic crimes such as viruses, pirating, and computer hacking.

·         Explore and participate in online communities, and online learning opportunities.

·         Identify the role that technology will play in future career opportunities.


C/T 9-12.4      The student will practice responsible use of technology systems, information, and software.

·         Adhere to fair use and copyright guidelines.

·         Adhere to the school division’s Acceptable Use Policy as well as other state and federal laws.

·         Model respect for intellectual property.


C/T 9-12.5      The student will demonstrate knowledge of technologies that support collaboration, personal pursuits, and productivity.

·         Respectfully collaborate with peers, experts, and others to contribute to an electronic community of learning.

·         Model responsible use and respect for equipment, resources, and facilities.


Technology Research Tools

C/T 9-12.6      The student will use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources.

·         Integrate databases, spreadsheets, charts, and tables to create reports.

·         Use available technological tools to expand and enhance understanding of ideas and concepts.


C/T 9-12.7      The student will evaluate and select new information resources and technological innovations based on the appropriateness for specific tasks.

·         Analyze and draw conclusions about the comprehensiveness and bias of electronic information sources.

·         Design and implement a variety of search strategies to retrieve electronic information. 


Problem-solving and Decision-making Tools

C/T 9-12.8      The student will use technology resources for solving problems and making informed decisions.

·         Investigate and apply expert systems, intelligent agents, and simulations in real-world situations.

·         Select and apply technology tools for information analysis, problem-solving, and decision-making.

·         Use technology resources such as educational software, simulations, and models for problem-solving, and independent learning.

·         Produce and disseminate information through collaborative problem-solving activities.

 Technology Communication Tools

C/T 9-12.9      The student will use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences.

·         Determine the most effective tool, format, and style to communicate to specific audiences.

·         Use technology-based options, including distance and distributed education, to collaborate, research, publish, and communicate.

·         Practice self-directed use of advanced technology tools for communicating with specific audiences. 


To implement these technologies the two ITRTs’ within the division will conduct a monthly inventory on the frequency of the technology used. During this time the ITRT will reassign technology if necessary and provide assistance for implementation. Envisioned County Public Schools has the following technology available throughout the division:

·         Interactive SMARTBoards

o    (K-3)

·         Interactive Promethean Boards

o     (4-5)

·      Mobile Promethean Boards (Secondary)

·            Promethean Tools

o    ActivExpressions Responders (90)

o     Slates (3)

o    Activevotes (30)

·         Classroom Computers

o    Three desktop computers (K-3)

o    One desktop computer(4-5)

o    Two desktop computer (6-12)

·         Two computer labs

o    Elementary

§  Lab 1: 50 computers

§  Lab 2: 45 computers

o    Secondary

§  Lab 1: 60 computers

§  Lab 2: 55 computers

§  Lab 3: 40 computers

§  Lab 4: 40 computers

§  Lab 5: 20 computers

·            Document Cameras

o   Elementary (2)

o   Secondary (3)

·            Elmo Projector

o   Elementary (2)

o   Secondary (5)


An apparent goal of the ECPS Technology Plan is to have students to be actively engaged in the usage of technology for content based learning. There is a higher availability of SMART and Promethean Boards in the K-5 classes than 6-12. However there is a higher availability of Computers in grades 6-12 rather than grades K-5. ECPS recognizes the importance of exposing our younger students to technology advances and we are doing so by allowing them to use the interactive resources available within their school In addition to the students’ engagement, teachers must also be on board and engaged in the implementation process. By surveying the teachers and taking their input into account during the implementation we hope to have an engaged faculty and staff as well.


In addition to the already available technology within the division, Envisioned County Public Schools would like to include the following technology tools/resources:


  • iPods (100) for each of the five(5) schools within the division
  • iPads (150) for each of the(5) schools within the division
  • Subscription to  and



Our belief at Envisioned County Public Schools is that through the assistance of our technology integration staff, teacher participation and student engagement; our technology plan will allow for positive results. ECPS hopes that our divisional faculty and staff will embrace the implementation plan and work together to meet the goals of the technology implementation plan. We want to see proficient technology usage with student made presentations and web quests. The inclusion of video conferencing with other schools within the division would provide continued support for various grade levels.


Budget and Timetable for Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and Measures


Technology Department Budget

Salaries and Benefits
Purchased Services
Materials and Supplies
Total Budget Per Year

Note: The budget will be addressed each year during the annual evaluation process.


Time Span
Set up voicemail for all faculty members, link voicemail to individuals’ email.
Set up websites for each school. Each school will select a faculty member to update the school’s website on a weekly/monthly basis. Individual teachers will have their own pages to update weekly with current information.
Set up and monthly update student information system
Maintain current email system
Maintain current electronic grade book to ensure that parents can access students’ information in a timely manner.



Time Span
Internet safety lessons will be presented to each grade level in various subject areas by the ITRT within the division. Teachers and students will sign a form stating that they have reviewed the videos. Lessons will include information about safe online practices, proper technology use, cyber bullying and copyright information etc (Virginia Department of Education, 2007).
Students, K-12 will have a 45 minute block in the school computer lab each week. Organized lessons will be taught and carried out by the ITRTs or the Technology Integration Facilitator.


Time Span
Update Promethean and SMARTBoards software for K-12 classrooms throughout the division.
Purchase document cameras
Purchase laptops for student usage.
Purchase iPod carts for each school (3 Elementary, 1 Middle, 1 High)
Purchase web cams for each classroom.
Technical support will be available via the intranet system as well as through the ITRTs in each building.


Professional Development Plan


Ø  All teachers and administrators employed by Envisioned County Public Schools must complete at least 20 hours of professional development courses annually. The courses are as followed:

·         Classroom Management Course: 4 hours

·         Technology with the Curriculum: 6 hours

·         Diversity through Technology practices: 4 hours

·         Teachers and Reaches: 6 hours

Ø  Documentation will be kept at the school building level and district level of all staff noting completion of scheduled professional development sessions. District-wide professional development opportunities will include ongoing updates online, articles circulated to staff and opt-out options to participate in book or article discussion on Internet safety All instructional and support staff assigned to schools will be required to attend updated professional development on an annual basis. Principals are required to schedule training during in-service days or faculty meetings.


Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: The Jamestown Experience

Grade Level:

·         Fourth and Fifth Grade

Technology Integration: Microsoft Word

Objectives: The student will demonstrate knowledge of the first permanent English settlement in America by

a)    Explaining the reasons for English colonization;

b)   Describing how geography influenced the decision to settle at Jamestown;

c)   Identifying the importance of the charters of the Virginia Company of London in establishing the Jamestown settlement;

d)   Identifying the importance of the General Assembly (1619) as the first representative legislative body in English America;

e)   Identifying the importance of the arrival of Africans and English women to the Jamestown settlement;

f)    Describing the hardships faced by settlers at Jamestown and the changes that took place to ensure survival;

g)  Describing the interactions between the English settlers and the native peoples, including the contributions of Powhatan to the survival of the settlers.

Materials Needed:

·         Computer with Internet Access

·         Textbook

·         Flashcards (for reference)

·         Notebook with Paper

·         Microsoft Word

Lesson: The teacher will activate prior knowledge by having a class discussion on what the students saw and remembered from visiting Jamestown on an annual Third Grade Field Trip. This will allow the teacher to use the QAIT Method and identify the appropriate levels of instruction. 

A.   The teacher will direct the students to the website which is home to the activity. Students will access:  From there they will choose the activity; The Jamestown Online Adventure.  The teacher will inform the student that in this WebQuest, the student is going to pretend to be the Captain of the Jamestown Colony.

B.   The students will also have a follow up lesson using Microsoft Word to create a brochure.


Developmental Activities: 

(1)  Guided Practice: The Jamestown Online Adventure

(a)  You will have a copy of the London Company's Instructions to help guide you. Also, you can ask your fellow colonists (classmates and online colonists) and the Native Americans for advice.

(2)  Scoring: After you make all your decisions, you will receive a report on the state of your colony based on these factors:

(a)  Food: How well can you provide it for your colonists?

(b)  Health: Can you keep your colonists from dying due to disease, starvation, and attacks?

(c)  Wealth: Can you make yourself and your sponsors at the London Company rich from the discovery of gold and silver?

(3)  Morale: Can you keep yourself in power by keeping everyone happy\independent Practice: 

(a)  You will get to compare your colony to the historical Jamestown at the end. By examining the "Now we know..." section, you can learn from the mistakes of history. 


Diversity: Students receiving exception education services will receive additional time to complete the lesson in addition to having a partner if necessary for technology assistance. The exceptional education aide will also be available if assistance is needed. Audio headsets will be available for students (general or exceptional education) if needed.  Because of the low socio-economic status of some students, there will be additional time given if students are limited in resources.

 Evaluation:  The students will receive a Jamestown Study Guide to use for future reference and a Jamestown assessment worksheet. 

Standards: According to the National (ISTE, 2008) Standards the student will:

·         Use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences.

·         Use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity.

Goals: To infusion technology integration while showing students the historical background of the Jamestown Settlement.

Executive Summary

Envisioned County Public will implement the Division Technology plan for the 2012-2017 school years. In doing so; ECPS will uphold the standards of the National Educational Technology Plan, the Virginia Department of Education Technology Plan, and any revisions that are made in conjunction with the two. ECPS has included technology based learning and practices into daily instruction within the division.

Students receive technology based learning from teachers and Instructional Technology Resource Teachers. Envisioned County Public Schools is dedicated to providing ways for both students and teachers to communication and collaborate in the usage of the available technologies within the division. In order to implement these technologies, ECPS has collected resources and provides training for administrators, teachers, and staff to utilize new software and programs purchased for the students of ECPS .


National Educational Technology Plan
Educational Technology Plan for Virginia
Envisioned County Public Schools’ Strategic Plan
Engaging and empowering learning experiences for all learners (U.S. Department of Education, 2010).
Create a learning environment that supports 21st century learning and that opens limitless possibilities for students (Virginia Department of Education, 2010).
Provide student with a meaningful learning environment with technology integration practices.
Level the power of technology to measure what matters and use assessment data for continuous improvement (U.S. Department of Education, 2010).
In the assessment-centered environment teachers employ ongoing formative assessments to monitor and demonstrate student progress, enable students to revise and improve their thinking, and help them identify problems that need to be addressed (Virginia Department of Education, 2010).  
Teachers will create assessments to determine the necessary actions need to enhance student achieve. Utilizing technology based lesson must be used during this process.
Professional educators will be supported individually and in teams by technology that connects them to data, content, resources, expertise, and learning experiences that can empower and inspire them to provide more effective teaching for all learners (U.S. Department of Education, 2010).
Teachers will become familiar with software programs for technology integration (Virginia Department of Education, 2010).  
In collaboration with the Instructional Technology Resources Teachers, division educators will receive assistance with their 21st century teaching and learning practices while including technology based learning to daily lessons and instructional practices.
All students and educators will have access to a comprehensive infrastructure for learning when and where they need it (U.S. Department of Education, 2010)..
Technology support personnel added to ensure the effective operation and maintenance of the technology with Virginia Public Schools (Virginia Department of Education, 2010).
Technical support provided with web-based applications, tools, and new technologies that are present with the division.
Redesign processes and structures to take advantage of the power of technology to improve learning outcomes while making more efficient use of time, money, and staff (U.S. Department of Education, 2010).
Continue exploring and implementing innovative ways to improve teaching, learning, and productivity in schools. The Educational Technology Plan for Virginia: 2010-15 articulates our vision and provides a framework to support this work(Virginia Department of Education, 2010).
At  all levels ECPS will redesign processes and structures to improve learning outcomes while making more efficient use of time, money, and staff. Additional technologies will be provided to ECPS as additional funding is received.



Board of Education Commonwealth of Virginia (2005). Computer Technology. Retrieved from Virginia Department of Education website:


International Society for Technology in Education.(2008). Advancing Digital Age Teaching. Retrieved from:


U.S. Department of Education (2010). Transforming American Foundation, Learning  Powered by Technology. National Education Technology Plan 2010; Executive Summary. Office of Education Technology. U.S Department of Education Office of Technology.


Virginia Department of Education. (2007). An analysis of the instructional technology resource teacher (ITRT) program in Virginia. Information Brief. Richmond: Author.


Virginia Department of Education. (2010). Educational Technology Plan for Virginia 2010-2015. Retrieved from:





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