Division Stakeholders
Dr. Daniel D. Wooldridge……………………….. Division Superintendent
Dr. Freddie J. Lewis………………..……..……….Director of Technology
Krystle E. Pearson……………………….....……...Integration Facilitator
Bethany Andrews…………………….Technical Support Coordinator
Dorothy Atkins…………………………………….Elementary Principal
Davidson Conley…………………..………………Elementary Principal
Adrian Barnes……….……………………………Elementary Principal
Andrew Iverson………..…………………….……Secondary Principal
Jerome Williamson….…....…………………….…Secondary Principal
School & Community Stakeholders
Shelia Long….........................................................Elementary
Jeremiah Meredith……....………………………..Elementary Teacher
Cynthia Baylor……………..……………………..Secondary Teacher
Sharonda Samuel……………...………………….Secondary Teacher
Dr. Mark Avent………………..…………………Community Member
Vanessa Jones……………………………………Community Member
Kenneth Clary………………….………………..Community Member
of Contents
Assessment…………………….. ……………...5
Budget …………………………………………….…….
Implementation Timeline…………………………….…8
Children’s Internet &
Protection Act………………….10
Heightsville County
Public School’s mission is to provide an educational program and staff to help
citizens achieve full development of their potential through lifelong learning.
Student success requires a shared responsibility and cooperation by students,
school personnel, parents and community. Therefore, Heightsville County Public
Schools believes that students and teachers can use technology to create a
dynamic learning environment which offers greater opportunities to achieve at
higher levels.
Heightsville County
Public Schools believes in a connected learning community in which
technological tools are used to improve the quality of education for all students.
This connected learning community will produce an improved educational system
with high learning standards, parents who frequently participate in the
education of their children, and a business community that works in partnership
with the schools to create opportunities for economic growth.
- Improve
academic achievement for students while closing achievement gaps.
- Maintain
school climates and facilities that are safe, orderly, and supportive of
effective teaching and learning.
- Develop
and implement procedures and programs that will infuse technology.
- Assist
in improving the physical and fiscal management, efficiency, effectiveness
and accountability of the school division.
- Develop
programs to promote the recruitment and retention of highly qualified
teachers and other staff.
- Promote
and encourage positive home, school, business and community relations that
encourage student achievement.
Needs Assessment
Heightsville County Public Schools
consists of a diverse group of faculty and staff ranging from doctoral
educators to highly qualified teachers. The faculty and staff from across the
division are engaged in the idea of providing meaningful educational
experiences. HCPS provides several workshops, professional development, and
conference opportunity for faculty growth. However; six out of our ten schools
in HCPS currently qualify as Title 1 schools due to the low socio-economic
status of the students. Heightsville County Public Schools is building upon the
current technology used within the division to afford students with more
opportunities to utilize these resources during their everyday learning
experiences. The division has decided to update mobile carts and computer labs
in all secondary schools to aid in online testing administration. At the elementary
level, all classrooms will receive SMARTBoards and these technology devices be
used to create project-based lessons and technology enhanced learning
is taking great measures to make sure teachers and students are given
opportunities in technology advances. Understanding what needs to be taught
provides the opportunity to think about a broader view of the curriculum and
what can be advanced (Cowan, 2008). For accurate plan implementation HCPS will:
- Provide training on available
technologies within the division
- Stay abreast of current
technologies and trends as they pertain to education
- Provide teachers and students with
online educational resources
- Provide technology professional development
opportunities for teacher in need
- Assist teachers in created
project-based learning lessons
HCPS Technology
Budget 2013-2018
*Estimated Funding
Salaries & Benefits
Purchased Services
Materials &Supplies
Budget Per Year
Implementation Table Time Span
Set up websites for
each school. Each school will select a faculty member to update the school’s
website on a weekly/monthly basis.
Individual teachers will have their own
pages to update weekly with current information.
Set up and monthly
update student information system
Maintain current
email system
Maintain current
electronic grade book to ensure that parents can access students’ information
in a timely manner.
Internet safety lessons will be presented to
each grade level in various subject areas by the ITRT within the division.
Teachers and students will sign a form stating that they have reviewed the
videos. Lessons will include information about safe online practices, proper
technology use, cyber bullying and copyright information etc (Virginia Department of Education,
Students, K-12 will
have a 45 minute block in the school computer lab each week. Organized
lessons will be taught and carried out by the ITRTs or the Technology
Integration Facilitator.
Update SMARTBoard
software for K-5 classrooms throughout the division.
Purchase document
cameras usage throughout the division.
Purchase laptops for
student usage throughout the division.
Purchase iPod carts
for four schools within the division.
Purchase web cams
for each classroom usage throughout the division.
Purchase iPad carts
for six schools within the division.
Technical support
will be available via the intranet system as well as through the ITRTs in
each building.
National Educational Technology Plan
Educational Technology Plan for Virginia
Heightsville County Public Schools’
Strategic Plan
Engaging and empowering learning experiences for
all learners (U.S. Department of Education,
Create a learning environment that supports
21st century learning and that opens limitless possibilities for
students (Virginia Department of Education, 2010).
Provide student with a meaningful learning
environment with technology integration practices.
Level the
power of technology to measure what matters and use assessment data for
continuous improvement (U.S. Department of Education, 2010).
In the assessment-centered environment teachers employ ongoing
formative assessments to monitor and demonstrate student progress, enable
students to revise and improve their thinking, and help them identify
problems that need to be addressed (Virginia Department of Education,
Teachers will create assessments to determine the
necessary actions need to enhance student achieve. Utilizing technology based
lesson must be used during this process.
educators will be supported individually and in teams by technology that
connects them to data, content, resources, expertise, and learning
experiences that can empower and inspire them to provide more effective
teaching for all learners (U.S. Department of Education, 2010).
Teachers will become familiar with software
programs for technology integration (Virginia Department of Education,
In collaboration with the Instructional
Technology Resources Teachers, division educators will receive assistance
with their 21st century teaching and learning practices while
including technology based learning to daily lessons and instructional
students and educators will have access to a comprehensive infrastructure for
learning when and where they need it (U.S. Department of Education, 2010).
Technology support personnel added to ensure the
effective operation and maintenance of the technology with Virginia Public
Schools (Virginia Department of Education, 2010).
Technical support provided with web-based
applications, tools, and new technologies that are present with the division.
processes and structures to take advantage of the power of technology to
improve learning outcomes while making more efficient use of time, money, and
staff (U.S. Department of Education,
Continue exploring and implementing innovative ways
to improve teaching, learning, and productivity in schools. The Educational
Technology Plan for Virginia: 2010-15 articulates our vision and provides a
framework to support this work (Virginia Department of Education, 2010).
At all
levels, HCPS will redesign processes and structures to improve learning
outcomes while making more efficient use of time, money, and staff.
Additional technologies will be provided to HCPS as additional funding is
Safety is a top priority at HCPS. It is in the division plan to implement
Internet Safety classes and resources in accordance with the Children’s
Internet Protection Act (CIPA). In
compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection act, Heightsville County
Schools uses Internet connectivity and filtering to prevent student and teacher
access to inappropriate material as defined by CIPA requirements. In addition
to this implementation, teachers are required to monitor online activities of
students and be vigilant in ensuring student safety while online. All students,
teachers, administrators, school personnel, and parents must sign an acceptable
use policy “Use of the Internet” at the beginning of each school year. This
form will be used to document agreements in upholding the guidelines given in
regards to Internet Safety within the Heightsville County Public Schools
Cowan, J. E. (2008).
Strategies for Planning Technology-Enhanced Learning
Clearing House, 82(2), 55-59.
"Legal History", American Library
Association, March 25, 2010.
February 14, 2013)
NETS-T. (2012). nets-t+standards. iste. Retrieved from
Department of Education. (2010). Transforming
American Foundation, Learning Powered by
Technology. National Education Technology Plan 2010; Executive Summary.
Office of Education Technology. U.S Department of Education Office of
Virginia Department of
Education. (2010). Educational Technology Plan for Virginia 2010-2015.
Retrieved from: http://www.doe.virginia.gov/support/technology/edtech_plan/plan.pdf
Virginia Department of
Education. (2007). An analysis of the instructional technology resource teacher
(ITRT) program in Virginia. Information Brief. Richmond: Author.
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